Vegan Gluten Free Mint Chocolate Chip Tart

For the crust:
10 medjool dates, soaked in hot water for 10mins and drained
1 ¼ cup almonds
¼ cup shredded coconut
½ cup cacao
4tbsp coconut oil
2tbsp maple syrup
1tbsp tahini

For the filling:
1 cup cashews, soaked in cold water overnight, rinsed and drained
1 avocado
2 handfuls of spinach leaves
A bunch of fresh mint leaves, finely chopped
400ml tin of coconut milk (solid coconut mass only, water discarded)
¼ cup + 1tbsp maple syrup
1tsp peppermint extract
A pinch of salt
2tbsp coconut oil
50g dark chocolate, chopped into chunks (plus more for decorating)

1. Combine all crust ingredients in a food processor and blitz until you reach sandy dough-like consistency. Grease a 9”inch tart tin with a little coconut oil. Transfer the dough mixture into the tin and spread evenly around the tin and the sides by pressing firmly with your hands. Cover with cling film and place in the fridge until you need it later.
2. Combine all filling ingredients apart from chocolate chips in a food processor and process for around 3-5mins until smooth mixture forms. Mix in the chocolate chunks. You might want to taste the filling at this stage and adjust the sweetness by adding more maple syrup, if required.
3. Take the tart crust out of the fridge, carefully add the filling, spreading it evenly around the tart. Freeze overnight or for at least 4 hours. Take out of the freezer 30mins before serving.

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